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Accelerating projects that matter.

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Referent Ventures works with inspiring founders who are committed to manifesting their vision as a part of a larger mission.

Real Estate investments  in the Cayman Islands

Powering Great Experiences

The largest NFT marketplace

Accelerating projects that matter.

Register a company in the USA for $49 monthly and unlock the world

Connect your community members.
Surface questions and answers.
Spark engagement and generosity.

Decentralized, non-custodial staking platform for all your favorite PoS coins. 

Referent Ventures works with inspiring founders who are committed to manifesting their vision as a part of a larger mission.

Join, share, earn. Turn your gaming passion into a gaming career. 

Connect your community members.
Surface questions and answers.
Spark engagement and generosity.

ReciprocityCommunity Product design